Flutter (Dart):


BradyFlutterPlugin() is the constructor of the Brady SDK library and is used to initialize the object you will call all methods on.

checkForPartMismatch() → Future<bool?>

checkForPartMismatch() returns a Boolean representing if the selected template was not designed with the supply that is installed in the connected printer.

connectToBluetoothPrinter(String? printer) → Future<bool?>

connectToBluetoothPrinter(String) attempts to connect to a printer via Bluetooth Low Energy whose name is passed into the method. This is asynchronous and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the connection (i.e. success or failure).

connectToWifiPrinter(String? printer) → Future<bool?>

connectToWifiPrinter(String) attempts to connect to a printer via Wi-Fi whose name is passed into the method. This is asynchronous and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the connection (i.e. success or failure).

cut() → Future<bool?>

cut() asynchronously makes the connected printer perform a cut operation (this can be called right after feed() for testing purposes) and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the cut operation (i.e. success or failure).

disconnect() → Future<bool?>

disconnect() asynchronously disconnects from the currently connected printer and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the disconnect operation (i.e. success or failure).

disconnectWithoutForget() → Future<bool?>

disconnectWithoutForget() asynchronously disconnects from the currently connected printer and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the disconnect operation (i.e. success or failure).

feed() → Future<bool?>

feed() asynchronously makes the connected printer print one empty label and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the feed operation(i.e. success or failure).

forgetLastConnectedPrinter() → void

forgetLastConnectedPrinter() clears the value of "LastConnectedPrinterName internally preventing auto-connections.

getAvailablePrinterUpdates() → Future<List<String?>>

getAvailablePrinterUpdates() returns a list of string representing all printer updates that occurred since the last time this method was called.

getBatteryLevelPercentage() → Future<int?>

getBatteryLevelPercentage() returns a String representing the battery level percentage of the connected printer.

getConnectionType() → Future<String?>

getConnectionType() returns a String representing the protocol that was used to connect to the printer.

getHaveOwnership() → Future<bool?>

getHaveOwnership() returns a Boolean representing the mobile device's ownership of a nearby M211.

getIsAcConnected() → Future<bool?>

getIsAcConnected() returns a Boolean representing if the connected printer is charging.

getIsSupplyPreSized() → Future<bool?>

getIsSupplyPreSized() returns a Boolean representing if the supply installed in the connected printer is pre-sized. If false, the supply is continuous.

getLastConnectedPrinterName() → Future<String?>

getLastConnectedPrinterName() returns a String representing the name of the last printer that the app connected to.

getPreview(int elementSize) → Future<String?>

getPreview(Int) takes an Integer that represents the width in screen pixels that the print preview should display as (on the UI).

getPrinterModel() → Future<String?>

getPrinterModel() returns a String representing the current connected printer's model.

getPrinterName() → Future<String?>

getPrinterName() returns a String representing the current connected printer's name.

getPrinters() → Future<List<String?>>

getPrinters() returns a List of Strings representing the printer names that have been discovered via the discovery scan.

getPrinterStatus() → Future<String?>

getPrinterStatus() returns a String representing the current printer connection status.

getPrinterStatusMessage() → Future<String?>

getPrinterStatusMessage() returns a String representing the current printer connection status message.

getPrinterStatusMessageTitle() → Future<String?>

getPrinterStatusMessageTitle() returns a String representing the current printer connection status message title.

getPrinterStatusRemedyExplanationMessage() → Future<String?>

getPrinterStatusRemedyExplanationMessage() returns a String representing a solution to resolve the current printer error if there is one.

getSupplyHeight() → Future<double?>

getSupplyHeight() returns a String representing the height of the supply installed in the connected printer.

getSupplyName() → Future<String?>

getSupplyName() returns a String representing the supply installed in the connected printer.

getSupplyRemainingPercentage() → Future<int?>

getSupplyRemainingPercentage() returns a String representing the percentage of supply remaining in the connected printer

getSupplyWidth() → Future<double?>

getSupplyWidth() returns a String representing the width of the supply installed in the connected printer.

getTemplateDataNames() → Future<List<String?>>

getTemplateDataNames returns all object names on the current template.

getTemplateSupplyName() → Future<String?>

getTemplateSupplyName() returns the name of the supply that used to design the selected template

isPrinterBluetooth(String printerName) → Future<bool?>

isPrinterBluetooth(String) takes the name of a discovered printer and checks if it was discovered by the Bluetooth Scan

print(int copies, bool cutAfterEachLabel, bool isCollated, bool printTrailer) → Future<bool?>

print() asynchronously sends a print job of the currently set template to the printer that the app is currently connected to and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the print operation (i.e. success or failure).

Example 1: bool result = BradyFlutterPlugin().print(2, true, true, false) on a template which contains two differently designed labels. This will print two copies of both labels in the template (four labels in total) and will cut each one separately. These will also be collated and printed in the order of 1, 2, 1, 2.

Example 2: bool result = BradyFlutterPlugin().print(3, false, false, false) on a template which contains two differently designed labels. This will print three copies of both labels in the template (six labels in total) and will only cut after all six are printed. Therefore, it will print one long label. Since "isCollated" is false, it will print the labels in the order of 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2.

printBitmapWithDimensions(double bitmapWidthInInches, double labelLengthInInches, int copies, bool cutAfterEachLabel, bool isCollated, bool printTrailer) → Future<bool?>

printBitmapWithDimensions() asynchronously sends a print job of the currently set template or bitmap image to the printer that the app is currently connected to and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the print operation (i.e. success or failure).

setPlaceholderValue(String placeholder, String value) → void

setPlaceholderValue(String, String) takes two Strings to set a placeholder with a specified value.

setTemplate(String filePath) → void

setTemplate(String) takes a resource file path as string representing a template or an image.

Note: This was changed from taking a base64 string of data in a recent update. The reasoning is because bitmap printing is now supported in the SDK bindings. Therefore, a PNG or JPG file path can be passed in and it will print the image.

startBlePrinterDiscovery() → void

startPrinterDiscovery() starts the Bluetooth scan for nearby Brady Printers. All of the details about these devices are stored internally and can be retrieved using the getPrinters() API method.

startWifiPrinterDiscovery() → void

startWifiPrinterDiscovery() starts the Wifi scan for nearby Brady Printers. All of the details about these devices are stored internally and can be retrieved using the getPrinters() API method.

stopPrinterDiscovery() → void

stopPrinterDiscovery() stops all discovery scans that were previously started.