- The Brady SDK Template object allows the user to:
- Retrieve a list of a .BWT file's data.
- Retrieve a Bitmap of the template used to preview the template in a UI.
- Retrieve the name of the .BWT file's label part.
getTemplateData returns a list of TemplateObjectData that the user may iterate through. This will hold information about the physical elements and objects on a Brady Workstation Template. (Reference TemplateObjectData)
getPreview(int labelNumber, double dpi, double maxPixelWidthAndHeight, PrinterDetails printerDetails)
getPreview returns a Bitmap object of the chosen template. To set the Bitmap to our UI, we could then call something like:
ImageView.setImageBitmap(Template.getPreview(0, 96, Math.min(ImageView.getWidth(), ImageView.getHeight(), printerDetails));
labelNumber: an Integer that represents which label in the print job to get a preview of. (Currently we only support 1 print job at a time so this will always be 0).
dpi: a Double that represents the preview's "Dots Per Inch". This is usually 96 for most phones.
maxPixelWidthAndHeight: a Double that represents the dimension with the highest value. (See example above).
printerDetails: a PrinterDetails object that represents all information about the printer the mobile device is currently connected to. If null, the preview will not reflect an accurate print preview. If not null, the preview will reflect the color of the label supply and ribbon color.
getSupplyName returns a String representing the name of the template's label part. In Brady Workstation, when we design a template, we always have to set a specific part. This could be useful information when validating a templates part or when comparing a connected printer's part.
storeFonts(Context context, int[] fontList)
Stores a list of resource ID's that represent font files that can be used later if a template was designed to use one of them.
Example: A template was designed with a text object whose font is "brady_fixed_width.ttf". This font file can be placed in an Android app's "res/font/" directory and then initialized like: "int[] fontList = new int[]{R.font.brady_fixed_width};"
- context is the Context of the current Activity
- fontList a list of int that represent font file resource ID's